Plugin Tag: Download

  • RS Gravity Forms Edit Entry

    RS Gravity Forms Edit Entry

    This plugin allows users to edit their previous entry on a gravity form. Adds a new “Editable Form” block and supports the Gravity Forms shortcode by adding the editable=”true” property. Required Plugins How to use

  • RS Gravity Forms Limited Entries

    RS Gravity Forms Limited Entries

    This plugin allows you to limit any Gravity Form to a single entry per user, or a set number of entries per user. Find the setting under Form Settings > Restrictions after to the default “Enable entry limit” field (which does not limit by user). New fields available: Required Plugins How to use Additional settings…

  • RS Gravity Forms Auto Progressbar

    RS Gravity Forms Auto Progressbar

    By default, Gravity Forms can show a progress bar on your form to indicate which “step” you are on. It’s based on the current page and requires you to use more than one page. This plugin changes the progress bar so that it automatically updates the percentage as you fill in different fields. It’s helpful…

  • RS Archived Pages and Posts

    RS Archived Pages and Posts

    This WordPress plugin adds the ability to move a post or page to a separate “archive” post type. Archived items can be restored to their original post type at any time. While archived, these pages and posts can only be viewed by administrators. Screenshots Use the meta box shown below to move a post/page to…

  • RS Entry Archives for Gravity Forms

    RS Entry Archives for Gravity Forms

    This plugin allows you to mark entries as archived, similar to how you would mark them as read or unread. Archived entries only show under the Entries list when you select the “Archived” filter. Here you can see the archive functionality from the Entry list screen: Here is the confirmation after archiving an entry: Here…

  • RS Admin Bar

    RS Admin Bar

    This plugin customizes the admin bar by reorganizing all default menus beneath the site name dropdown menu. It includes menu items from the dashboard for easy access to common pages on the backend. To correctly populate the settings menus, an administrator simply needs to visit the dashboard once a month. This is not strictly required,…

  • RS Utility Blocks

    RS Utility Blocks

    This plugin adds several blocks and utilities to the block editor, including visibility conditions and blocks to display the current user’s information. Block Settings Visibility – Allows you to control the visibility of a block based on if the user is logged in, on a desktop or mobile, or if the user is an administrator.…

  • RS Account Pages

    RS Account Pages

    This plugin adds an Account Pages post type. You can also create menus in the settings page with conditions based on the user’s account. The first menu that meets the conditions is used as the user’s account menu. Account Page Settings Page Custom Blocks Account Menu – Displays a list of account pages based on…